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What you Need to Know about “Super lice”

By November 7, 2018January 29th, 2019No Comments

For several years now the media has reported an insidious invader spreading across our country. They have deemed this invader “super lice.” In truth, the only thing super about these lice is that they have become resistant to pyrethroid, a type of pesticide used in over-the-counter lice treatments. They are not, as their name suggest, impervious to all forms of defense. They have not and will not become resistant to the natural head lice products we use to rid them from the scalps of your children and anyone else in your household who may come into contact with these persistent parasites. So that you will better understand this breed of “super lice,” we present you with these basic facts.

Super Lice: The What, Where’s and How

As we’ve already stated, “super lice” is simply a term the media coined back in 2015 to refer to ordinary lice that have grown a resistance to over-the-counter lice treatments. Ironically, many of the ingredients have levels of toxicity that adversely affect human health any way. Strains of these super lice have been discovered in 48 states but they have chiefly been found in 25 states. The important thing to remember is that if you discover you do have lice you should follow treatment steps so that you are sure that they are gone forever. You can use special brushes and comes to detect them and their nits but removal may take someone who is expert at combating these pests.

Just the Facts about “Super lice” and Treatment Options

We believe that knowledge is a sort of Kryptonite against “super lice”. Lack of knowledge or believing wrong facts about these lice can cause them to spread even faster than they have already been spreading. Here are some facts about “super lice.”

  • 98% of head lice have mutated over the years and are now resistant over-the-counter lice treatments
  • Shampoos like Nix and Rid have little effect on nits
  • Anyone can get head lice
  • If a single egg is missed then “super lice” and every other kind of lice can spread and continue the cycle of infestation

In short, “super lice” are difficult to combat simply because the method we have used all along has been ineffective. Dousing lice in chemicals that also prove harmful to human beings was bound make them resistant to over-the-counter solutions. Our solutions are natural and have been proven time and time again to rid sufferers of these parasites. We have our head lice removal salon in which we can rid you and your children of lice as well as our mobile van. Let our treatment be the Kryptonite that is necessary to hold back these “not-so-super lice.”